Ms. Priyanka Mallick

  • Bachelors’ Degree from the prestigious St. Xavier’s College Mumbai
  • Masters Degree in Biotechnology from the Edinburgh University.

Ms. Mallick is the Managing Director of Q&Q Research Insights Private Limited (Q&Q). For over 12 years she has been at the forefront of market research in India. Ms. Mallick has been instrumental in shifting analytical models from those based on self-reporting of consumer behaviour to the fusion of data from a broad variety of sources, including the integration of consumers’ passive online and offline behaviour. Under her leadership, Q&Q pioneered Agriculture Market Research and became the only Indian company to make a mark in the Asian Agriculture Research space competing with MNC’ s that used to dominate the market then. Prior to Q&Q, she was a consultant at the award winning London based Food manufacturing consultancy firm CPA, for 2 years.

Other Directorships

Shree Renuka Sugars Ltd.