It is our endeavour to extend best possible services to our valued shareholders and other investors. For your convenience, we have furnished below a list of frequently asked questions and their answers. If you have any other queries, please feel free to contact the Company Secretary. We welcome your suggestions and advices to improve our services further.
1. On which Stock Exchanges are the securities of Shree Renuka Sugars Limited (SRSL) listed?
The shares of Shree Renuka Sugars Limited are listed on the NSE and BSE.
2. Who are the Registrar & Share Transfer Agents (R&T) of Shree Renuka Sugars Limited?
Selenium Tower B, Plot Nos. 31 & 32,
Financial District, Nanakramguda,
Hyderabad – 500032, India
Tel No.: +91 40 6716 1524
E-mail id:
Contact Person
Mr. Rajeev Kumar
Deputy Manager
3. What are the contact details for communication with the Investor Department of SRSL?
NODAL OFFICER: – Mr. Deepak Manerikar (Company Secretary)
7thFloor, Devchand House,
Shiv Sagar Estate,
Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli,
Mumbai-400 018.
Tel: 91-22-2497 7744 / 4001 1400
Email Id:
4. What is Green Initiative? Why should I register for the same?
Green Initiative is an effort of the Government of India which aims at reducing paper consumption thereby contributing to a greener environment.
Towards this end, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide its Circular Nos. 17/2011 dated 21.04.2011 and 18/2011 dated 29.04.2011 commenced the “Green Initiative in Corporate Governance” thereby allowing Companies to issue Annual Reports and other documents to the shareholders in electronic mode.
By registering for Green Initiative, every shareholder will get an opportunity to contribute to this noble cause for the benefit of our future generations.
5. How do I register for E-Communication?
To register for E-communication, you need to have an email id of any account. You may either write to the R&T or to the Investor Service Department of the Company by filling up the E-Communication Registration Form.
E-Communication Registration Form is available for download in this section.
How do I register for E-Communication?
To register for E-communication, you need to have an email id of any account. You may either write to the R&T or to the Investor Service Department of the Company by filling up the E-Communication Registration Form.
E-Communication Registration Form is available for download in this section.
How do I register for E-Communication?
To register for E-communication, you need to have an email id of any account. You may either write to the R&T or to the Investor Service Department of the Company by filling up the E-Communication Registration Form.
E-Communication Registration Form is available for download in this section.
How do I register for E-Communication?
To register for E-communication, you need to have an email id of any account. You may either write to the R&T or to the Investor Service Department of the Company by filling up the E-Communication Registration Form.
E-Communication Registration Form is available for download in this section.
How do I register for E-Communication?
To register for E-communication, you need to have an email id of any account. You may either write to the R&T or to the Investor Service Department of the Company by filling up the E-Communication Registration Form.
E-Communication Registration Form is available for download in this section.
How do I register for E-Communication?
To register for E-communication, you need to have an email id of any account. You may either write to the R&T or to the Investor Service Department of the Company by filling up the E-Communication Registration Form.
E-Communication Registration Form is available for download in this section.
How do I register for E-Communication?
To register for E-communication, you need to have an email id of any account. You may either write to the R&T or to the Investor Service Department of the Company by filling up the E-Communication Registration Form.
E-Communication Registration Form is available for download in this section.
How do I register for E-Communication?
To register for E-communication, you need to have an email id of any account. You may either write to the R&T or to the Investor Service Department of the Company by filling up the E-Communication Registration Form.
E-Communication Registration Form is available for download in this section.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has introduced on-line Resolution of Disputes mechanism in the Indian Securities Market streamlining the existing dispute resolution mechanism by establishing a common On-line Dispute Resolution Portal (“ODR Portal”) which harnesses on-line Conciliation and on-line Arbitration for resolution of disputes arising in the Indian Securities Market. A common On-line ODR Portal, called the SMART ODR has been established for this purpose, the link to access the portal :
The SEBI’s circular can be accessed at
Mr. Deepak Manerikar
7th Floor, Devchand House,
Shiv Sagar Estate,
Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli,
Mumbai-400 018.
Tel: 91-22-40011400
For investor grievances, write to :
Registrar and Transfer Agent:
Mr. Rajeev Kumar
Deputy Manager
Selenium Tower B, Plot Nos. 31 & 32,
Financial District, Nanakramguda,
Serilingampally Mandal,
Hyderabad – 500032, India
Tel: +91-40-6716 1524
Email id :
Website :
Nodal Officer for IEPF:
Mr. Deepak Manerikar
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
7th Floor, Devchand House,
Shiv Sagar Estate,
Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli,
Mumbai-400 018.
Tel: 91-22-2497 7744 / 4001 1400
Weblink for claiming unpaid amounts and shares out of Investor Protection and Education Fund (IEPF):
For comments or queries on the Company investor relations, write to:
The app includes financial calculators and has different modules that introduce and explain various aspects of securities market viz., KYC procedures, mutual funds, ETFs, buying and selling of shares on stock exchanges, investor grievances redressal mechanism and the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform. The app can be downloaded by scanning the QR Codes given below from your mobile device.